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Living History in Northern New Jersey
Living History in Northern New Jersey
Tappan, New York
11:30 am on Saturday, May 7, 2016

DeWint House Grounds
20 Livingston St,
Tappan, New York 

Please come to the dedication of an American Elm tree on the DeWint House

grounds just across from the bridge on Oak Tree Road by the Tappan Memorial Park.

The elm tree is a gift from the Town of Orangetown to the DeWint House upon

completion of the Oak Tree Bridge Project. It has been planted 100 feet to the south

of the site of the historic Tar Barrel Elm, which stood in the middle of Oak Tree Road

and served as a beacon during the Revolutionary War.

On May 7, 1783, a flaming tar barrel was hoisted to a high limb of the elm

tree, and the black smoke signaled to the surrounding countryside that negotiations

between General George Washington and Sir Guy Carleton, British Commander-in-

Chief, for the evacuation of British troops had been completed successfully. It was

the first and only time the tree had been used for that purpose.

Following the ceremony, an exhibit of the Tar Barrel Elm will be on display in

the Tappan Library Local History Room. White dogwood seedlings will be given out

by the Tappantown Historical Society at the library to commemorate the occasion.

All are welcome, especially children. A white dogwood seedling makes a lovely

Mother’s Day gift.
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